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What do the initials before or after a dog's name mean?  Here are some of the Titles that my dogs have earned:


ARCH - APDT Rally Champion, requires level 1 & 2 titles, plus 10 double Qs with scores of 190 or above
UCH - UKC Championship, a conformation title
UWP - UKC Weight Pull, requires 3 successful pulls
RE - AKC Rally Excellent, requires 3 Novice legs, 3 Advanced legs & 3 Excellent legs
RAE - AKC Rally Advanced Excellent, requires an RE plus 10 double Qs in Advanced & Excellent B classes
BN - AKC Beginner Novice, requires 3 qualifying legs under at least 2 different judges
CD - AKC Companion Dog, requires 3 qualifying legs under at least 2 different judges in Novice obedience

CDX - AKC Companion Dog eXcellent, requires CD plus 3 qualifying scores in Open obedience

PCD - AKC Preferred Companion Dog, same as Novice, w/o group stays
PCDX - AKC Preferred Companion Dog Excellent, same requirements as Open class w/o group stays

NA - AKC Novice Agility, requires 3 legs in Standard class

NAJ - AKC Novice Agility Jumper, requires 3 legs in Jumpers with Weaves class
OA - AKC Open Agility, requires NA title & 3 Open agility legs
OAJ - AKC Open Agility Jumper, requires NAJ title & 3 Open Jumpers legs
AX - AKC Agility Excellent, requires Novice & Open standard titles & 3 Excellent legs
AXJ - AKC Agility Excellent Jumper, requires Novice & Open JWW titles & 3 Excellent legs
MX - AKC Master Excellent, requires AX title & 10 more legs in Masters standard class
MXJ - AKC Master Excellent Jumper, requires AXJ plus 10 more legs in Masters JWW class

MJB - AKC Master Jumper Bronze, 25 Qs in the Master JWW class
CGC - AKC Canine Good Citizen, must pass all elements of the test
TT - Temperament Tested, must pass all elements of the American Temperament Test Society test
WPD - AMCA Working Pack Dog, must carry 30% of their weight on 4 hikes of 10 miles or more
WTD - AMCA Working Team Dog, must pull a sled or wheeled rig 10 miles or more on 4 outings
WWPD - AMCA Working Weight Pull Dog, must meet the requirements at 4 weight pull events

RL1 - WC Rally, requires 3 Qs in level 1
RL1X - World Cynosport (formerly APDT) Rally Level 1X, requires level 1 title plus 10 additional legs

RL2 - WC Rally, requires RL1 title, plus 3 Qs in level 2
RL3 - WC Rally Level 3, requires RL1 & RL2 titles, plus 3 legs in Level 3
AOE - WC Award Of Excellence, requires all 3 title scores of 190 or above
RLV - WC Rally Level Veteran, requires 3 legs in the Veterans class
NW1/2 - NACSW Nosework title followed by #1, 2 or 3 for the level completed, must pass all elements
AAAM - AMCA All Around Alaskan Malamute, requires conformation, performance & all 3 working titles
RATN - Barnhunt Rat Novice title, requires meeting requirements 3 times

ATD - Alliance of Therapy Dogs, must pass the organization's test

TKN - AKC Trick Dog Novice, must pass requirements witnessed by a CGC Evaluator

TKI - AKC Trick Dog Intermediate, requires TKN title, plus 10 additional Intermediate tricks

TKA - AKC Trick Dog Advanced, requires TKI title, plus 5 additional advanced tricks

TKP - AKC Trick Dog Performer, requires all 3 prior titles, plus 10 tricks submitted via video

BCAT - AKC All Breed Lure Coursing title requiring 150 points in Fast CAT, which is a 100 yard dash

SCN - AKC Scentwork Containers Novice, requires 3 Qs in this element

SEN - AKC Scentwork Exterior Novice, requires 3 Qs in this element

SIN - AKC Scentwork Interior Novice, requires 3 Qs in this element

SBN - AKC Scentwork Buried Novice, requires 3 Qs in this element

SWN - AKC Scent Work Novice Level title means the dog has qualified three times in each of the four odor element classes

SCA - AKC Scent Work Containers Advanced requires three Qs at the Advanced level

SIA - AKC Scent Work Interior Advanced requires three Qs at the Advanced level

SEA - AKC Scent Work Exterior Advanced requires three Qs at the Advanced level

VHMA - AKC Virtual Home Manners Adult is a title that can be earned via video submission, perhaps a stepping stone to CGC

ATT - AKCs version of Temperament Test

VSWB - Virtual Scent Work Beginner requires two passes via video submission to AKC

FITB - Fit Dog Bronze is the first level of Fit Dog titles through AKC

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